How I’m Learning to Embrace My 4c Natural Hair

Use these four tips to learn how to embrace your natural hair

 In June, I will celebrate 10 years of being in the 4c natural hair club (shoutout to all my 4c naturalistas). Ten years ago, I was entering my freshmen year of high school with absolutely no idea on what it meant to go natural. I didn’t know how to take care of my natural hair, where to find a natural hairstylist, or what products to buy. The only certain thing was I didn’t want relaxed hair anymore. Just by saying no to the “creamy crack” was my start to embracing my natural 4c hair. 

Fast forward to now, I am still loving my natural 4c hair, but in a different way. I’m no longer in high school anymore (chile… I’m getting old lol), but my hair has experienced some changes. In college, I had a tapered cut, then a short bald cut (check me out here).  Eventually I started to get bored, so I made the decision last year to grow my hair back out. This past year has taught me so much about my natural hair. I thought I embraced it before, but now it’s a whole new journey. Here are four ways that help me embrace my natural 4c hair on this new journey.

Use these four tips to learn how to embrace your natural hair

1. Acceptance

This is a hard one and it may actually trigger some of you lol (and it still triggers me). My acceptance of my 4c hair took years. Once I accepted its kinkiness, thickness, and shrinkage, it was easier to fall in love with it. Once you embrace your hair, love will soon follow. 

2. Authenticity

Have you ever heard the saying, “no one is you and that is your superpower?” Well, this applies to your hair. Each person has her own hair type. Tap into that. Let your hair be an expression of your style. Let your hair speak for you.

3. Care

Just like the rest of your body, your hair needs nutrition. When you eat healthy foods, drink water, exercise, and maintain a positive mindset, your hair will thank you. Your hair will flourish with healthy treatment.  

4. Freedom

There’s so much versatility in wearing natural hair. Throughout my 10-year journey, I went from an afro to a tapered cut to a short blonde cut. And don’t forget about protective styling. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different hairstyles. 

Use these four tips to learn how to embrace your natural hair

I hope this post encourages you to embrace your natural hair. I still have a love-hate relationship with my natural 4c hair, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world. Use these tips and watch your love for your hair grow. 

Use these four tips to learn how to embrace your natural hair

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Check out the blog, Napturally Meg, for beauty, style, and lifestyle content